Appropriate for Grade 3+. To book your students e-mail hannah@huntsvillefestival.ca
ILL-ABILITIES™ is an International breaking (breakdance) crew comprised of eight dancers (bboy/breakers) from around the world. Created in the summer of 2007 by Montreal-based dancer/motivational speaker Luca “Lazylegz” Patuelli, ILL-ABILITIES™ was an all-star team of differently-abled dancers whose goal was to compete in the breakdance competition circuit, showing the world that anything is possible. Their mission is to help redefine society’s view of disability by empowering individuals to live life with limitless possibilities through positive interaction within communities worldwide. (www.illabilities.com)
More info on each dancer:
Lazylegz (Canada) – Born with a neuromuscular disorder called Arthrogryposis (www.lazylegz.com)
Samuka (Brasil) – Transformational amputee below hip due to Osteosarcoma (https://www.facebook.com/bboysamuka/)
Checho (Chile) – Malformation from birth in legs due to Thalidomide (https://www.facebook.com/bboychecho)
Perninha (Brasil) – Malformation from birth in the left leg reason unknown (https://www.facebook.com/bboyperninha/)
Krops (Korea) – Paralyzed through an injury in a dance practice in 2013 (https://www.facebook.com/KROPSWORLD/)
Redo (Netherlands) – Multiple malformations from birth affecting both arms, right hip, and right leg (http://www.iamredo.com/)
Kujo (U.S.A) – 100% sensor neural deafness in right ear and conductive hearing loss in left ear (https://www.facebook.com/KrazyKujo/)
Tommy Guns (U.S.A) Transformational above knee amputee due to Osteosarcoma (https://www.facebook.com/bboytommyguns/)
Algonquin Theatre, 37 Main St. E
October 26, 2022 12:30 PM
Ticket Prices:
Student $10
Non Member $30
Member $25
Plus HST