MOVIE ON THE DOCKS IS BACK! Join us for FREE Screening of the movie classic “TITANIC” at the Huntsville Town Docks.
The film will be shown under the open skies on a screen set atop floating docks provided by Pipefusion. Due to restrictions around COVID-19, this year’s event is Boat-In only.
This event will follow the guidance and regulations set out by the Province of Ontario’s Stage 2 Reopening Framework.. As such, the following rules will be in place.
- Water crafts will maintain at least 2 meters of space from others for social distancing.
- Only members of the same household or extended bubble may occupy the same water craft.
- You must stay in your boat at all times except to use the washroom.
- You may bring in outside food as long as you take the garbage with you. Please try to support local food businesses that need your support.
FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT info@huntsvillefestival.ca OR CALL 705-788-2787
Downtown Huntsville
August 1, 2020 9:00 PM
Ticket Prices:
By Donation ($5 suggested)